
How close can you match color?

At we aim for a pleasing 97% to 99% color match. In some cases, like Pantone Spot Colors, or when you send RGB files, the colors of your jobs may not match the exact colors shown on your screen or the exact color of a previous order. This shift is because of several factors, some of which we will cover below.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are concerned about exact color matches, we can discuss the particular details of your print jobs and how we can achieve this if you request a custom quote here

Gang Run Printing

Unless specified differently, our standard approach is Digital and / or Gang Run Printing, where we group multiple projects onto a single sheet for printing. This method effectively reduces costs by spreading the production expenses over several jobs, making full-color cards much more affordable and no longer a high-priced item. However, a potential drawback is that colors may vary slightly from one product to another due to the influence of adjacent designs in the print run.


Gang run printing primarily aims for considerable cost reduction and satisfactory color matching. Our press operators work diligently to ensure that all jobs maintain 95%-98% color consistency. The contrast can be observed in the outcomes of printing runs with predominantly dark cards versus those with lighter ones. Dark cards might slightly deepen the tones in your card's image, while lighter ones could cause a slight lightening effect. This variation is exemplified in the case of the Realtor's card shown below, where both the skin tone and the blue might exhibit subtle shifts from one print run to another.

Dark Card Example printed in January

Lighter Card Example printed in July

Because the process of job grouping is an automated process, we are unable to modify the card order to accommodate special requests. If color matching is of utmost importance to your order, we advise against using digital printing or the gang run printing method. Opting for a custom print run exclusively for your order will provide our press operators with the necessary control to ensure precise color matching.. You may request a custom quote here: Request a Quote

Color Mode: We use CMYK inks in our printing process, so if your design is in RGB the colors may shift. For more detailed information about RGB color modes and how they affect your design, click here.

Pantone Matching System (PMS) or "Spot Colors": Your file might include Pantone or Spot Colors that are not meant for four-color process printing. As shown in the image below, numerous Pantone Colors do not have a precise CMYK counterpart.. We recommend using the Pantone Color Bridge (available by clicking here)so you are aware of the possible color variances. You can read more about Pantone issues, click here.

Ink and Papers: Not all papers and inks are identical, and printing techniques can differ, ranging from offset to digital. It's important to note that the brands of paper and inks we utilize may evolve over time. If you print a product with us and request a reprint months later, changes in brands can result in minor color variations. Additionally, external factors such as humidity and temperature can influence how inks dry and their final appearance. It's important to understand that achieving an exact match between a print produced by Company X using 92 bright white paper and one from Company Y using 96 bright white paper may not be feasible due to these variables.

Color Perception Varies: Each individual interprets colors uniquely. Furthermore, a significant portion of the population experiences variations in color perception. Consequently, even if colors remain consistent or undergo only slight changes, you might perceive them differently from someone else.

Tips for Achieving More Accurate Color Matching:

1) Ensure your design is in CMYK mode.

2) Consider ordering a printed proof to preview your job on a calibrated machine. Monitors and office inkjet printers lack calibration and may not provide an accurate color representation for commercial printing.

3) If precision is crucial, inquire about a quote for a Custom Run, where your product is printed on a dedicated sheet of paper. Keep in mind that this option may come at a higher cost, as production costs won't be shared with others.

4) Utilize the Pantone Color Matching System - Color Bridge, a standardized color catalog compatible with CMYK. You can find it on Amazon for reference here.

